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Portable Isolation Chamber

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– Developed together with the Kaplan Medical Centre

– Field tested in Successful hospital service

– Quick exit through high flushing airlock that enables very short dwell times

– Extremely simple and quick assembly without the need for tools

– Cost effective and flexible

– Auto activation sensor

– High efficiency (HEPA) filter

– Extremely low noise level

-Filter condition indicator

– Simple filter exchange without the need of tools

The IsoArk main Chamber

The main chamber is constructed from a lightweight aluminium ‘quick connect’ structure supporting the transparent chamber liner that is made from special resistant laminate


The airlock is a self supporting construction consisting of polymeric doors for quick and easy access for personnel and equipment. When entering the airlock the negative pressure is maintained due to the double door configuration. The compact design of the airlock reduces dramatically the wait time for a complete air change in the airlock and ensures that negative pressure is maintained even when entering or exiting the chamber.

Filtration System

The FA 2000 HSZ filtration system has three different airflow modes, allowing quick air flushing when needed while minimizing noise level and energy use when high flush rates are not required. Additionally, the system is equipped with a differential pressure gauge, indicating the condition of the HEPA Filter and for the filter or UV radiation unit’s replacement, no special tools are required.

Optional IsoArk Items

Negative Pressure Indicator

The negative pressure indicator indicates the level of negative pressure in the main chamber. If the negative pressure drops out of the acceptable range, a red light blinks on the unit and an audible alarm is sounded.

Internal Utility Racks

The internal utility racks hold equipment and connection points that may be required inside the Isolation Chamber. The cables and hoses of the equipment can be routed into the chamber through utility sleeves which are incorporated into the chamber liner.


– Quality control according to ISO 9001:2000

– Quality assurance AQAP 2110

– HEPA filter efficiency EN 1822 IEST-PR-CC-001.3

– Filtration system certified according to medical standards

– FA 2000 HSZ certified according to IEC 60601-1

– FA 2000 HSZA certified according to UL 60601-1 UL 507

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